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Thornbury Community Church

Thornbury Community Church (TCCNaz) is a multicultural mix and all are welcome. We are part of the Church of the Nazarene in the Australian Southern District.



Our Vision

The global mission of the Church of the Nazarene is to make Christlike disciples in all the nations and we at TCC aim to do the same as well as lovingly engage with our community. 

People are our mission

We believe the church is not made up by bricks and stone but by its people. We aim to be compassionate, as Jesus was among the community around Him.


What we value

  • Belonging - Fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusion for everyone.

  • Integrity - Our outward life reflecting our inner commitment to Christ and His teachings.

  • Grace - Unconditionally loving all people as God's precious creation.

  • Mission - Reach out to the community with the Love of Christ.

  • Compassion - Generously extending God's love in a practical way to anyone in need.


Our Main Focus

Our main focus is on Jesus Christ. Our aim is to communicate His love, forgiveness and power for living. We believe God wants an eternal life for all people.

Our Pastor

Rev. Paul Spanos has been the full time minister at TCC for over sixteen years and gives his time, without reservations, to anyone in need. Originally from Greece, he moved to Australia in his twenties and encompasses a passion for the Lord, regardless of language or culture. 

Rev. Paul Spanos
Phone: (03) 9848 4851
Mobile: 0408 250 242

TCCNaz Paul Spanos


We are more than a church; we are a family. We are the family of God.

TCCNaz Churh of the Nazarene

© 2016 Thornbury Community Church is part of the Church of the Nazarene.

Visit us: 16-18 Martin St. Thornbury, VIC 

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